Creative Guidelines
Connecting To Another Dimension
One Step At A Time
You Are Not Here By Accident.

It could be a part of your divine plan unfolding.
Whether you've stumbled upon this site by chance or have been seeking something special, you're exactly where you need to be. This space is dedicated to love, discovery, and broadening horizons, without any hidden agendas or requests for personal data. It's a treasure trove of remarkable insights and unique experiences, ready for you to explore.
Back in the 1980s, when these recordings were made by Don Weldon from his home and metaphysical center, Creative Guidelines, there weren't many sources for channeled messages, making these tapes a rare find. Despite their age and the resulting rough sound quality, they offer love-centric messages and moments of mystique. They may not cater to those in search of psychic predictions or magical entertainment, but if you choose a podcast at random, it might just carry the perfect message for you at the right moment. Enjoy the journey.
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Past Life
Age Regressions
Don Weldon guides some of his colleagues through a hypnotic age regression to various times in the history of earth.

Please Be Patient With The Sound Quality.
While listening, you might notice peculiar interruptions or gaps around the 40-minute mark in many of the recordings. This quirk stems from the 1980s when Don recorded these messages on small cassette tapes, which occasionally ran longer than one tape side. Sometimes, they'd forget to flip the tape in time, resulting in these unexpected breaks. The effort was made to flip the tapes, though not always as promptly as needed.
For years, Michael Joy has held onto these tapes with the hope of sharing them widely, yet their fragile, old-style cassette format made this challenging. However, after some time and with expert help, they have finally been made accessible to the public.
The recordings are here because these channeled messages deserve to be preserved and shared. The collection was originally recorded by Don Weldon at Creative Guidelines center in Phoenix, Arizona over 30 years ago. The exact date of each recording is not always mentioned on the tapes; however, the messages remain relevant regardless of when they originated.

The recordings are here because these channeled messages deserve to be preserved and shared. The collection was originally recorded by Don Weldon at Creative Guidelines center in Phoenix, Arizona over 30 years ago. The exact date of each recording is not always mentioned on the tapes; however, the messages remain relevant regardless of when they originated.